Our Services

Laser Hair Removal

  • Diolaze is an advanced Laser Hair Removal procedure that safely and gently eliminates unwanted hair. Diolaze has one of the largest treatment spot sizes, making treatments convenient and fast. The combination of efficacy, patient comfort and speed makes Diolaze the leader and gold standard in Laser Hair Removal.

    This means long lasting hair removal in a fast and pleasant treatment.

  • Per Session Pricing

    Small Areas

    Upper Lip - $40
    Lower Lip - $40
    Chin - $40
    Navel - $40
    Areola - $40
    Lip & Chin - $70
    Neck - $60
    Back of Neck - $60
    Underarms - $70
    Half Arm - $100
    Half Leg - $150
    Hands & Feet - $60
    Full Face - $115
    Bikini - $80
    Brazilian - $100

    Large Areas

    Full Leg - $260
    Full Back - $225
    Full Arms - $140
    Full Buttocks - $120
    Full Chest - $225
    Full Back - $225

    Save up to 35% when you book 6 Sessions

    Contact us for package pricing options to save big!

Facial Contouring

  • This treatment uses two advanced technologies - VermaDerm , and Radio frequency. Each emits energy at a certain frequency. The wavelengths target the water in fatty pockets beneath the skin and heat them. The heat causes the fat deposits to significantly shrink in size. The released fat is then absorbed by the body’s lymphatic system and naturally cleared away.

    In parallel, the heat causes the collagen fibers in the skin to contract, resulting in immediate skin tightening. The heat also stimulates the body to produce new collagen.

  • Per Session Pricing

    Neck and Jawline - $140
    Cheek and Brow Lift - $140
    Full Face - $200

    Save 10% when you book 8 sessions

Body Contouring

  • Our body contouring treatments use multi-polar Radio frequency technology. During the treatment, RF pulses are emitted onto the treatment area. The current targets the subcutaneous fat cells causing them to shrink in size. Simultaneously, the heat causes the collagen fibers to contract resulting in immediate skin tightening. By undergoing several treatments, the body produces new collagen and elastin which provides long-term skin tightening results.

  • Per Session Pricing

    Underarm Bulge - $100
    Upper Arm - $120
    Bilateral Overhang - $140
    Lower Abdomen - $120
    Obliques - $80
    Buttocks - $200
    Calf - $120
    Hips - $120
    Back of Thighs - $140
    Inner Thighs - $140
    Front of Thighs - $140
    Outer Thighs - $140

    Save 10% when you book 8 Sessions

Skin Rejuvenation

  • During treatment, Dynamic Pulse Control pulses are emitted onto the target area. The pulses penetrate the dermal layer of the skin and heat up the tissue. The heat causes the collagen fibers to contract, which yields immediate skin tightening results. It also stimulates the body to create new collagen, which helps the skin to restore its elasticity and firmness and delivers long-term results.

  • Per Session Pricing

    Photo Facial - $160
    Cheeks - $80
    Neck - $100
    Decollete - $200
    Hands - $80

    Save up to 10% when you book 6 sessions!

Cellulite Reduction

  • During treatment, your aesthetic practitioner will use Radio frequency that targets water in the fat cells. These fat cells are usually enlarged, and are the reason behind the dimpling of the skin. The endothermic heat produced by this advanced radio frequency treatment, significantly reduces the size of fat cells, which contributes to a smoother skin appearance. The heat also breaks the extracellular fibers that cause the dimpling of the skin. As a result, the skin is restored to its original form.

  • Per Session Pricing

    Underarm Bulge - $100
    Upper Arm - $120
    Bilateral Overhang - $140
    Lower Abdomen - $120
    Obliques - $80
    Buttocks - $200
    Calf - $120
    Hips - $120
    Back of Thighs - $140
    Inner Thighs - $140
    Front of Thighs - $140
    Outer Thighs - $140

    Save 10% when you book 8 Sessions

Men’s Laser Hair Removal

  • Using Dynamic Pulse Control technology enables the optimal absorption of light by the melanin pigment in the hair follicle for each skin type. The pulses are powerful enough to selectively coagulate the hair follicle, yet leave surrounding tissue unharmed.

    This means long lasting hair removal in a fast and pleasant treatment.

  • Per session pricing

    Ears - $40
    Jawline - $55
    Nape - $55
    Neck - $80
    Neck & Jawline - $115
    Upper Cheek - $55
    Shoulders - $120
    Chest - $180
    Abs - $95
    Full Front - $230
    Upper Back - $145
    Lower Back - $120
    Full Back - $225

    Save up to 35% when you book 6 Sessions

    Contact us for package pricing options to save big!

IPL Lumecca Photofacial

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, aka, Photofacial, is a way to improve the colour and texture of your skin. It can undo some of the visible damage caused by sun exposure, called Photoaging. You may notice it mostly on your face, neck, hands or chest. Also reduces the amount of redness due to rosacea or spider vessels on the face. A complimentary consultation is required prior to booking to ensure you are a good candidate for the treatment.

  • Per Session Pricing

    Full Face - $350
    Full Face & Neck - $400
    Small Area - $200
    Large Area - $600

    Purchase a package of three for the price of two!

    Contact us for package pricing options to save big!

Chemical Peels

  • AlumierMD Chemical Peels - Chemical peels can reduce or improve fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scars, uneven skin coloring and other skin imperfections. We have 3 different types of chemical peels to choose from. Our Medical Esthetician works with you to determine the best peel for your skin goals. Price includes post procedure skin care kit.

  • Per Session Pricing


ProCell MicroChanneling

  • ProCell Microchanneling is a popular aesthetic treatment that utilizes a handheld device with tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin's surface. These micro-injuries stimulate the skin's natural healing response, promoting collagen and elastin production. This leads to improved skin texture, reduced appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scares and evenness of skin tone. The procedure is commonly used to address various skin concerns, resulting in a rejuvenated and revitalized complexion.

    Treatment includes cleanse, ProCell microchanneling, soothing Collagen Mask

  • Per Session Pricing


    Package of three for $660

Medical Grade Facial Treatments

  • Dermaplaning is a cutting-edge exfoliation treatment that removes dead skin and vellus hair (also known as peach fuzz). It provides one of the best exfoliation methods with no downtime. Dermaplaning leaves the skin looking radiant and smooth. Treatment includes a double cleanse, dermaplaning and soothing mask.


  • Circadia Oxygen RX works by creating a precise amount of oxygen at peak levels directly into the skin giving an instant glow. A delightful sensory experience, appropriate for all skin types. Benefits include:

    • Oxygen that nullifies free radicals

    • Reduction in acne and rosacea

    • Decrease in erythema/redness

    • Increase in skin function


  • Our custom facials include medical grade skin care and advanced massaging techniques designed for destressing, depuffing and relaxation. We will carefully select high quality products that are most suited to your specific skin goals and needs. You will leave feeling calm, refreshed and glowing!


  • When you need a lift, you need the work that goes Beyond Botox. This treatment protects, rejuvenates, and catapults your cells to regenerate, tighten and firm. This treatment aggressively yet gently, addresses the symptoms of aging skin from the very first treatment, resulting in a lasting, more youthful appearance. Beyond Botox includes the therapeutic benefits of a signature facial while incorporating dermaplane exfoliation, a light peel, and Circadia's Firming Peptide Treatment. This treatment is excellent before a big event or if you just want to feel great and get noticed.


  • The clarifying teen facial is specifically for our young clients (18 and under) who are new to caring for their skin or struggling with acne and aren't sure where to start.


  • The SWiTCH Dermal Rejuvenation System is a unique alternative to a chemical peel that redefines how we treat age-damaged skin. SWiTCH takes advantage of the skin's natural repair mechanism to help restore the skin's optimum appearance without injury to the skin. Reverse the signs of aging today and SWiTCH on your skin's ability to repair itself from the inside out. Suitable for clients 40 and up.


  • Enjoy a back treatment that consists of a deep cleansing, exfoliation of the skin and a nourishing mask. Whether you are wanting to work on correcting Acne, Pigmentation or Aged skin, the back facial will be customized for your specific skin type and concerns.



  • Morpheus8 is a unique skin enhancement treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy to produce a healthier, brighter complexion. By combining the two techniques, Morpheus8 penetrates deeper into the skin than other microneedling options resulting in increased collagen and elastin production. Resulting changes include smoother, firmer, and more toned skin and improved contours.

  • Per Session Pricing

    Face & Neck - $800
    Face, Neck & Decollete - $1000
    Stomach - $1000

Looking for more?

We have a few other special treatments that can help improve the look of your skin:

  • Acne Scar Reduction

  • Pigmented Lesion Appearance Reduction

  • Vascular Lesion Appearance Reduction

Contact us to learn more, and for pricing

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